Proposed changes to WUSPBA Bylaws
All proposed changes to the WUSPBA Bylaws are subject to approval by a 2/3 vote of all bands (whose votes count as 7 per WUSPBA bylaws article 3, as specified in table 1), soloists, contest organizers, judges, lifetime members, executive committee members and members of the WUSPBA music board.
BL1 - Branch AGMs - Submitted by WUSPBA Executive Committee
BL2 - Juvenile Band Definition - Submitted by WUSPBA Executive Committee
BL3 - Oustide Association Band Grading - Submitted by WUSPBA Executive Committee
BL4 - Late Fee Exemption - Submitted by WUSPBA Executive Committee
BL5 - Nonparticipation Rebate - Submitted by WUSPBA Executive Committee
BL6 - Suspension of Membership - Submitted by John Partanen
BL7 - Unsanctioned Contest Penalty - Submitted by WUSPBA Executive Committee
Proposed changes to WUSPBA Contest Rules
All proposed changes to WUSPBA Contest Rules are subject to approval by a simple majority vote of all bands (whose votes count as 7 per WUSPBA bylaws article 3, as specified in table 1), soloists, contest organizers, judges, lifetime members, executive committee members and members of the WUSPBA music board.
WUSPBA Solo members are not eligible to vote on proposed changes to band contest rules.
CR1 - Light Music and Piobaieachd Grades - Submitted by WUSPBA Executive Committee
CR2 - Emergency Bass Drum Substitution - Submitted by WUSPBA Executive Committee
CR3 - Solo MSR Terminology - Submitted by WUSPBA Executive Committee
CR4 - Games Sponsors Local Rules - Submitted by John Partanen
CR5 - Grade 5 and Juvenile Bands Restrictions - Submitted by John Partanen
CR6 - Good Standing and Inclusion - Submitted by John Partanen
CR7 - Eliminate MiniMSR and Add QMM - Submitted by John Partanen
CR8 - Instructor Policy Proposal - Submitted by Ross Naismith
CR9 - Dual Musicians - Submitted by Suzan Karayel
CR10 - Band MSR Clarification - Submitted by WUSPBA Executive Committee
CR11 - Arrival at Starting Line - Submitted by WUSPBA Executive Committee
CR12 - Drumming Accompaniment Revision - Submitted by BJ Gunn
CR13 - Midsection Competition - Submitted by BJ Gunn