The Western United States Pipe Band will holds it's Annual General Meeting on Saturday October 27th, 2018 in Denver, Colorado.

The AGM will be held at the Sheraton Denver Tech Center

Sheraton Denver Tech Center Hotel
7007 S Clinton St
Greenwood Village, CO 80112

The hotel will offer rooms to attendees for $99 per night. This rate is good for reservations made before 5:00 PM on October 4th

To book a room using the WUSPBA AGM rate, please use the following link

Sheraton Denver Tech Center Reservations

You can also call 800-325-3535 and ask for the WUSPBA AGM room rate.

Officer elections

The positions of Vice-President, Sanctioning Secretary and Solo Registrar are up for election.

All nominations for officers for any of these positions should be submitted to Executive Sceretary Christina Marshall

Proposed Changes to WUSPBA Bylaws and Contest Rules

2018 Bylaws and Contest Rules Proposals

Important Deadlines

All applications for solo and band regrading must be submitted by Sept 16th.

2018 Band Regrading Application

2018 Solo Regrading Application

Information from 2017 AGM

The minutes from the 2017 AGM can be found here

Minutes from 2017 WUSPBA AGM

Outcome of Elections at the 2017 WUSPBA Annual General Meeting:

President = Kevin Conquest
Executive Secretary = Christina Marshall
Treasurer = Nate Lorenz
Band Registrar = Jeff Mann

Proposed Changes to WUSPBA Bylaws and Contest Rules for 2017

Outcome of Bylaw and Contest Rule Proposals at the 2017 WUSPBA Annual General Meeting:

B1 - Authority to Refuse and Exclude Members = Referred to Committee
CR1- Adding a Smallpipes Category to Solo Piping Competition = Failed
CR2- Changes to Grade 3 Solo Snare Drum Competition = Withdrawn
CR3- Playing in Another Grade = PASSED
CR4- Change to Rules Regarding Solo Leets = PASSED with amendments
CR5- Eliminate Obsolete Solo Piping Events = Withdrawn
CR6- Method to Determine Aggregate Winners in Solo Competition = PASSED
CR7- Exclusion of Solo Competitors from Participation = Failed
CR8- Exclusion of Pipe Bands from Participation = Failed
CR9- Dress Requirements in Heat = PASSED with amendments
CR10-Revision to Highland Dress Requirements = Withdrawn
CR11- Band Disqualification Due to Tardiness = Referred to Committee with amendments
CR12- Clarify Band Circle, Final Tuning Location, etc. = Referred to Committee
CR13- Changes to Registered Instructor Policy = Withdrawn
CR14- Changes to Grade 5 QMM Requirements = PASSED with amendments (2019 season)
CR15- Remove Grade 4 Mini-MSR = Withdrawn
CR16- Changes to Grade 4 MSR Requirements = PASSED with amendments (2019 season)
CR17- Change the Number of Required Pipers in Grade 4 Band Competition = PASSED
CR18- Comprehensive Reorganization of Band Contest Rules Section = PASSED