Central Valley Highland Games and Celtic Festival – SANCTIONED

Central Valley Highland Games and Celtic Festival Stanislaus County Fairgrounds 900 North Broadway, Turlock, CA 95380 Saint Andrew's Society of Modesto http://standrewsmodesto.org/Hgames.php http://standrewsmodesto.org/PDFs/2022%20Pipers%20Entry%20Form.pdf

Youth Education Council Online Competition – sanctioned

January 28, 2023 (registration and video submission window closes) https://wuspbayec.ticketspice.com/preview/5c7d4dab55fe46e2970f192854da202f Connor Studulski & Malachi Johanson yec.wuspba@gmail.com yec.wuspba+comp2023@gmail.com       

Redding Bagpipe Competition – sanctioned

Red Lion Hotel   1830 Hilltop Dr,  Redding, CA 96002 St. Florian Pipers Society https://Reddingbagpipecompetition.com Northern Branch

Phoenix Scottish Games – sanctioned

Gilbert Regional Park 3005 E Queen Creek Rd, Gilbert, AZ 85298 Caledonian Society of AZ https://phoenixscottishgames.com/ Desert Branch

Pipes and Pubs #1 – sanctioned

Pipes and Pubs #1 IDOL Beerworks 100 S.  Sacramento Street, Lodi, CA  95420 City of Sacramento Pipe Band Northern branch https://www.r2sports.com/tourney/home.asp?TID=40539

Las Vegas Highland Games – sanctioned

Las Vegas Highland Games Craig Ranch Regional Park 628 W. Craig Road, Las Vegas, NV 89032 Las Vegas Celtic Society www.lasvegascelticsociety.org Desert branch

Pipes and Pubs #2 – sanctioned

Pipes and Pubs #2 Blue Note Brewing Company 750 Dead  Cat Alley, Woodland, CA  95695 City of Sacramento Pipe Band Northern branch   Registration https://www.r2sports.com/membership/home.asp?TID=40540

Grand Valley Highland Games – sanctioned

Grand Valley Scottish Games & Celtic Festival Mesa County Fairgrounds at Veterans Memorial Park 2785 US Highway 50, Grand Junction, Colorado  81503 https://glenfinnanhighlanders.com/ Intermountain Branch

Scottish Fest Costa Mesa – sanctioned

5/26/2023 - 5/28/2023 Scottish Fest Costa Mesa Orange County Fairgrounds 88 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, California 92626 https://Scottishfest.com Southern Branch