Pipes and Pubs #1 – SANCTIONED
Registration details: https://www.r2sports.com/tourney/home.asp?TID=37474
Registration details: https://www.r2sports.com/tourney/home.asp?TID=37474
The NorCal branch is offering education events, once a month on Wednesday evenings (see all events). Each session will begin with reminders about upcoming events and contests, discuss online resources, cover a tune and then just hang out to discuss something fun in the world of piping and drumming. To start, the focus will be […]
Registration details: https://www.r2sports.com/tourney/home.asp?TID=37475
The NorCal branch is offering education events, once a month on Wednesday evenings (see all events). Each session will begin with reminders about upcoming events and contests, discuss online resources, cover a tune and then just hang out to discuss something fun in the world of piping and drumming. To start, the focus will be […]
http://paysonscottishfestival.org/ Piping and Drumming Out of WUSPBA association bands and soloists, please contact Jeff Mann for instructions on using the online registration system. (mannjeff@outlook.com) To Register: https://www.r2sports.com/tourney.asp?TID=37463 Solo Events: Friday: 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Piping Events: Grade 4 – Piobaireachd at the Payson Memorial Park Grade 3 – Piobaireachd at the Payson Memorial […]
NorCal Online Solos SanctioningPacket_2021_NorCal Summer Online
http://www.nachs.info Williams AZ solo entry form 2021.doc Williams AZ SANCTIONING_FORMS
The NorCal branch is offering education events, once a month on Wednesday evenings (see all events). Each session will begin with reminders about upcoming events and contests, discuss online resources, cover a tune and then just hang out to discuss something fun in the world of piping and drumming. To start, the focus will be […]
Sponsoring Organization: City of Sacrament Pipe Band Pipes and Pubs #3 Waterman Brewing Solo piping grades 1,2,3,4
http://thescottishgames.com More info on WUSPBA blog Pleasanton registration URL: https://www.r2sports.com/tourney.asp?TID=37744 Pleasanton Band Schedule Grade 1 Schedule Grade 2 Schedule Grade 3 Schedule Grade 4 Schedule Grade 5 Schedule Solo Drumming Schedule
http://www.scotfest.com Sanction Form 2021