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Calling All Stories, Histories, and Interviews
We all started somewhere ... by PM Janice Richey. If you were raised in Scotland, there’s a chance bagpiping or drumming was a part of your education, but for most people in the states, our road to pipe bands or solos was more circuitous - and likely more interesting. Even once you got your taste for ‘the skirl of the pipes’ or the heart-pounding sound of the ‘most difficult drumming in the world’, the path to mastery was likely largely dependent on who was instructing you.
- History of the Association
- Santa Rosa games
- Santa Rosa, CA History of the Games 2020 (from the Cali Club website, permission to use given by John Biggar)
- Memories of Santa Rosa. Susan Thornton: Introduction to “Blood Alley” and Jim Fitzrandolph: A Bathtub Fulls of Beer and a Congo Line
- Bob Mason Memories of Santa Rosa
- Instructors
- Drum Majors
- World War II