Please see the appropriate form below for instructions on how to register as or renew membership as:
A new soloist or as a new soloist that is a family member living in at the same address as a current soloist.
- New soloist registration info (how to register) - PDF
- New family membership soloist registration info (how to register) - PDF
A returning soloist or as a returning soloist that is a family member living in at the same address as a current soloist.
- Renew solo registration info (how to renew) - PDF
- Renew family membership solo registration info (how to register) - PDF
IMPORTANT: If you are a renewing member you will come to the login page where you must click the "Forgot or do not know your login info? Click Here" in order to access your profile already in the system. From there you can create your new user name and password for future access.
Solo competitors will need to be members of the WUSPBA (or their home association, if they live outside the WUSPBA area) to compete in contests sanctioned by this association. Solo membership, at $25 per year, includes a subscription to the WUSPBA Newsletter, Words & Music, and carries the right to vote at WUSPBA General Meetings, as well as Branch Meetings. Please note that the solo membership price is $25 for new memberships and renewals prior to January 15th of each year. After this date, dues are $35 for renewals. Please note that dues are calendar year based and good for one year only! Individual memberships, at $25 per year, include a subscription to our newsletter Words & Music. This is a great way to support piping and drumming and keep up with what is happening, even if you don't play in a band or compete as a solo player.
Adjudicators are pipers, drummers, or drum majors residing within the Western United States who become eligible to judge WUSPBA events upon approval by the Executive Committee and payment of the membership fees of $25, payable by January 15 of each year. Adjudicator membership includes a subscription to the WUSPBA Newsletter, Words & Music, and carries the right to vote at WUSPBA General Meetings, as well as Branch Meetings. Please note that the ajudicator membership price is $25 prior to January 15th of each year. After this date, dues are $35 for renewals. Please note that dues are calendar year based and good for one year only!
Any questions about the solo registration process please contact the solo-registrar, Katie Strausser at
Competing Bands pay an annual fee of $300 and are graded at competition levels I through IV by the Music Board. They have full voting rights and are eligible to participate in all events, including WUSPBA sanctioned band contests. The Competing Band fee is due by January 15th; late fees apply to payments made after that date.
A band may become an Associate Band within the WUSPBA by paying an annual fee of $40. Associate Bands attend Association and Branch meetings as non-voting participants and are included in workshops and all other events, except for competition. Please note the Associate Band fee is $40 for new and renewals prior to the AGM. Renewals after January 15th will be $60.
Note: A roster is not required to be submitted for Associate bands.
Any questions about the band registration process please contact the band-registrar, Charlie Butterworth at
Mid-season member transfers:
Should a member transfer bands mid-season, the following form is required to be submitted:
To become a member in any of the above categories, please use the online system and mail/email any applicable form information.
Robert Baxter
WUSPBA Treasurer
1185 Murdock Dr.
American Fork, Ut 84003
Please feel free to contact any of the association officers with questions about membership or about the WUSPBA.
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