The next WUSPBA AGM will be held December 7, 2024 via Zoom.

Each year, WUSPBA holds an Annual General Meeting (AGM). The location of the AGM is currently via zoom. At the AGM, the membership convene to discuss the business of the association, vote on new officers, and consider proposed changes to Bylaws and Contest Rules. The weekend of the AGM also serves as an opportunity for intensive meetings by the Executive Committee and Music Board. Regrading decisions for the following year are typically made during the weekend of the AGM.



2023 AGM Minutes (Click here) 2023 Minutes
Band and Solo Regrades Information

If you are a competitor and wish to be considered for regrading, please see Solo and Band Grading Information.

Submitting Bylaws and Contest Rule Proposals

If you wish to submit a proposal to change the Bylaws or Contest Rules, please read How to Write an AGM Proposal. All Bylaw and Contest Rule Proposals must be sent to the WUSPBA Executive Secretary 45 days in advance of the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Send submissions to:


"  REGISTER HERE FOR THE AGM "  <- Every Member Click here to pre-register prior to the meeting AGM OVERVIEW The 2023 Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Saturday, December 2, 2023, online on a Zoom platform.  Participants will check-in starting at 7:00 AM (Pacific) / 8:00 (Mountain).  The AGM will begin promptly at 8:00 AM (Pacific) / 9:00 AM (Mountain). Friday Evening, December 1, 2023 Games Sponsors Meeting 8:00 p.m . - 9:00 p.m. (Mountain Time) 7:00-8:00 p.m. (Pacific Time) Discussing common issues and problems in running Piping and Drumming at Highland Games as well as a brief introduction to the R2 System.  Q&A (1 hour). Join Zoom Meeting Presented by the Office of Strategic Planning for Games Organizers (OSPGO) __________________________________________ Saturday, December 2, 2023 WUSPBA Annual General Meeting AGENDA CLICK HERE TO REGISTER FOR THE AGM Join Zoom Meeting NOTE: ALL MEETING TIMES GOING FORWARD ARE MOUNTAIN TIME and are approximate 8:30 AM to 8:59 AM – Check-In and Quorum Count 9:00 AM – Call to Order, Establish Quorum, and Introductions - Stuart Baker, Conducting 9:10 AM – Approval of 2022 Minutes and call for New Business to be discussed 9:20 Welcome to the AGM - Jeff Mann, President 9:30 AM – Elections of Officers - Stu Baker President - nomination Andrew Morrill Executive Secretary - nomination Connor Studulski Treasurer - Incumbent Robert Baxter Band Registrar - Incumbent Charlie Butterworth New Business 10:00 Circle of Honor - Stu Baker 10:30 Music Board - Ryan Murray, Chair - WUSPBA Music Board 10:45 Break 10:55  Proposed Bylaws and Contest Rule Changes for 2023 - Stu Baker Bylaws Proposals B-1 Bylaws Housekeeping - Proposals Proposed by WUSPBA EC B-2 Band- Contest-Definition Proposed by WUSPBA EC B-3 Sanctioning- Adjudicator - Approval Proposed by WUSPBA Sanctioning Secretary, Carol Duarte Contest Rule Proposals C-1 ANAPBA Major Contest Rules Proposed by Jeff Mann C-2 Rename- Novice- Practice Chanter Proposed by WUSPBA Solo Registrar, Katie Strausser C-3 Rename- Novice- Practice Pad Proposed by WUSPBA Solo Registrar, Katie Strausser>

C-4 Band Draw Proposed by WUSPBA EC

C-5 Emergency Tenor Proposed by Leisel Shupe

C-6 Multiple Skill Musicians Proposed by Leisel Shupe

C-7 Overall Winners at Contests Proposed by Office of Strategic Planning for Games Organizers (OSPGO) Suzanne Karayel, OSPGO Chair

12:00 PM – Lunch Break

1:00 PM – Executive Committee and Branch Officer Reports - Reports are posted on the web
Executive Committee

Vice President- Jennifer DeBarr
Executive Secretary - Karen McIlvena
Treasurer-Budget- Robert Baxter
Past President- Kevin Conquest
Sanctioning Secretary - Carol Duarte
Band Registrar - Charlie Butterworth
Solo Registrar - Katie Strausser

Branch Reports

Northern Branch - Erin Berta
Southern Branch - Bill Walker
Desert Branch - Teresa Black
Great Basin Branch- Larry Erdmann
Intermountain Branch -Melissa Slagter

1:30 PM – Games Organizer Reports

2:00 PM – Council and Committee Reports

Education Council - Liz Tubbs
Youth Education Council - Connor Studulski
Office of Strategic Planning for Games Organizers - John Biggar/Suzan Karayel
Press and Social Media Committee - Sue Jacobi
Website - Scot Gilbert

Closing Remarks and Adjourn  - Stu Baker


SATURDAY WORKSHOPS, December 2, 2023
NOTE: All Printed Times Are Mountain

Time:12/2/2023 4:00 p.m. Mountain / 3:00 p.m. Pacific


Join Zoom Meeting

Click instructor names to view bios

Time Instructor

4:00 – 5:00 PM Bob Worrall - Tunes & Tempos
5:15 – 6:15 PM Alan Bevan & Reid Maxwell Ensemble: 2 perspectives, 1 Band


Submitting Regrading Application

If you are a competitor and wish to be considered for regrading, please see Solo and Band Grading Information.

Submitting Bylaws and Contest Rule Proposals

If you wish to submit a proposal to change the Bylaws or Contest Rules, please read How to Write an AGM Proposal.
All Bylaw and Contest Rule Proposals must be sent to the WUSPBA Executive Secretary 45 days in advance of the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Send submissions to:


Proxy Voting Information

Bands and individual members who will not be able to attend the AGM in person may designate another attendee to vote as their proxy. The proxy authorization must be in writing. It is recommended that the member give the written authorization--either a signed letter or an email address used for WUSPBA correspondence as registered in R2--directly to the individual who will serve as proxy. The individual may then show that written authorization upon check-in the morning of the AGM.

Past AGM Information

Future AGM Branch Rotation

Since 2016, each year's AGM has been hosted by a different branch of WUSPBA. Below is the projected branch rotation for the next several years.

  • 2024 WUSPBA AGM - Saturday, October 26, 2024 to be hosted VIA Zoom
  • 2025 WUSPBA AGM - Saturday, October 24, 2025 to be hosted VIA Zoom
  • 2026 WUSPBA AGM - Saturday, October 23, 2026 to be hosted VIA Zoom
  • 2027 WUSPBA AGM - Saturday, October 22, 2027 to be hosted VIA Zoom
  • 2028 WUSPBA AGM - Saturday, October 27, 2028 to be hosted VIA Zoom
  • 2029 WUSPBA AGM - Saturday, October 26, 2029 to be hosted VIA Zoom
  • 2030 WUSPBA AGM - Saturday, October 25, 2030 to be hosted VIA Zoom

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